Profess Faith • Proclaim Hope • Practice Love

At Tropical Sands Christian Church, we strive to go beyond a simple welcome so everyone, from first-time visitors to long-term members, feels included. Join us for a blended service that incorporates traditional and contemporary elements, and find connection in our many small groups. At TSCC you're not only welcome, you're included.

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Join us for our Sunday service and children's program Sunday at 10 AM. 2726  Burns Road
Palm Beach Gardens 33410


Tropical Sands Christian Church was founded on July 6, 1958. Located on Burns Road in northeastern Palm Beach County, the church is known for its heart for outreach, mission, and community service.

Come experience the love of God in this community of authentic, beautifully diverse and imperfect people. If this sounds pretty human, well, we are! We live individual and communal faith journeys of hope, love, grace, forgiveness and continued transformation because of what God has done in Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection.

If you're feeling lonely and disconnected, we welcome you to connect with us.

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Upcoming Events

Tropical Sands Spag Dinner
Pay for Spaghetti Tickets


We Share:

A love of God and a love of neighbor.
We don’t claim to have all the answers. What we do have is a safe space for folks to feel comfortable asking questions and know they will engage in healthy conversations

A compassionate community that serves, works together & supports one another and our neighbors. 

A biblical interpretation of sacred scripture that is scholarly and contextual, not literal or legalistic. 

A worship that involves the people. We are participants, not spectators, in worship.

A strong intergenerational focus- children & youth are important participants in worship. Our sanctuary has a PRAYground area for young children & families.

Mission driven purpose, outreach, and justice-based advocacy. We put feet on our faith!


Scan the QR code or click here to see what else is happening in the current edition of our Sandpiper Newsletter.


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We were pleasantly surprised when a senior Elder immediately approached us, introduced himself, asked about us, about ourselves, and then proceeded to introduce us to another six to eight individuals, including the Pastor, Chris Bandy-Helderman, all before the service began.  That would never have happened at the church we had previously attended, and we were pleased.  

Karen & Gary McCoy

I came to TSCC when I was 12 years old from a different, stricter Christian background. I remember walking in, and it felt like I had arrived home. All these years later this church still instills that feeling of safety whenever I walk through the doors. Trials and tribulations I may have had but I have never been alone while facing them. Acceptance, non-judgment, and love are the ways of this amazing church.

Star CalLahan


love of god & neighbor

We practice love of others with an appreciation of our Interfaith neighbors and ecumenical integrity.


We are a compassionate community that serves, works together & supports one another
and our neighbors. 


Children & youth are important participants in worship.
Our sanctuary has a PRAYground area for young children & families.