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Update February 14, 2025 (NEXT UPDATE 2/28/25)

Hello Church! Our Worship Service and Children’s Program are at 10 AM. The service is also live virtually and archived on Facebook and YouTube. Connect with refreshments before and after the Service together.

All are welcome: believers, questioners, and questioning believers! We affirm the worth, value, diversity, giftedness, and belonging of all. Let us be there for each other! Your presence means everything to your pastor and your community!

This Sunday we wrap up the Sermon Series and reflections, “Finding Peace, The Twelve Steps for Everyone.” Pastor Chris received much positive feedback and sharing throughout this series! Please continue to reach out. We are prayerfully moving forward as we approach the Lenten season. Please save the dates as there is much to look forward to together.

From Pastor Chris last Sunday:

If folks get the impression that the church doesn’t seem to like them, how in the world will they experience and grow to trust in God who dearly loves them? Here, in and through Tropical Sands Christian Church, we strive to live by Christ’s greatest command and call- to love God with all of who we are; loving others as we love ourselves. When Jesus said love your neighbor, he knew our neighbors would look, act, believe, and love differently than ourselves. That’s the point! May it be so, Amen.

Thank you for your stewardship: *all of who we are*

Your financial gifts, your time, your engagement, PRESENCE, and prayers all work to strengthen our connection together and the witness we make as disciples of Jesus, the ChristYou are each dearly loved! Thanks be to God for this faith community and chosen church family. Newer faces and all faces, we‘d like to meet you where you are! Please let us know how TSCC can best meet your needs. Email Pastor Chris at

eGlimpse Florida Regional Newsletter: eGlimpse - February 7, 2025

Week of Compassion Special Offering: woc_bulletin_insert__eng__pdf.pdf

Thanks be to God for the heart of our community! The ministry teams, leaders, and all the volunteers who serve together. Please spread the word and share upcoming gatherings!