Hello Church! Our Worship Service and Children’s Program are at 10 AM. The service is also live virtually and archived on Facebook and YouTube. Connect with refreshments before and after the Service together.
All are welcome: believers, questioners, and questioning believers! We affirm the worth, value, diversity, giftedness, and belonging of all. Let us be there for each other! You have no idea how much your presence means to your pastor and your community! 🙂
This week’s Gospel reading concludes a twelve-week chronological walk through the gospel of Mark. From the Salt Project Blog: “When death-dealing forces seemed to have the upper hand, one ancient literary response was to envision an imminent future in which God directly comes to the rescue in spectacular, vividly poetic fashion: righting wrongs, routing wrongdoers, and thereby inaugurating a new era of justice and compassion. We have apocalyptic writings (apocalyptic is from the Greek meaning “uncovering” or “revealing”). God pulls aside the veil, revealing to people the hidden, dramatic rescue to come. Typically including cryptic, poetic language; ominous signs in the heavens; falling stars; natural disasters; anguish followed by victory; and so on. These are extravagant, evocative visions of hope when all hope seems lost.” These writings are not to be interpreted literally.
This text in Mark, in part, is considered to be apocalyptic literature (like the book of Revelation and other biblical narratives such as in Daniel). Mark’s world was shattered and shaken to its core. The Roman armies destroyed the Jewish temple, desecrating what for Jews was nothing less than the sacred heart of the world. There was great suffering. The practical purpose of apocalyptic literature is to encourage readers to remain faithful in difficult times. The theological purpose of such writings is to defend and support belief in a God who is powerful, just, and loving. These writings serve to encourage the community to maintain its faith and hope! Jesus said, “Be alert!” We are to watch for God’s realm of love and good breaking in all around us, especially when it is not apparent! We are called to live the love of Christ in our actions. Have hope!
The November Bulletin (below) has a summary of upcoming dates and events. Program Planning is in the works to start in January! Woo-hoo! Stay-tuned:)
Gratitude Sunday catered meal after Service! November 24th. Please join us as we give thanks for our church community and the many hands and hearts who serve! Please contribute any dessert if you’d like. Contributions can be made to “Gratitude Sunday” and designated online. We will have a raffle of small items:)
Church Breakfast and Christmas Decorating! Saturday, December 7 at 9 AM. Please join us to have a wonderful meal together and spend time decorating. This is a nice time for all ages:)
Operation Hope Christmas Donations. Pastor Chris is in contact with Ken Bowers of Operation Hope. These are children of families in need throughout our county's Lake Park and Riviera Beach areas. Thank you for your Thanksgiving donations toward a wonderful feast for these families. Please make an online designation or check to Operation Hope. They are grateful and we can be Christ’s hands and feet!
You are each dearly loved! Thanks be to God for this faith community and chosen church family. Newer faces and all faces, we‘d like to meet you where you are! Please let us know how TSCC can best meet your needs. Email Pastor Chris at info@tropicalsands.org.